標題: 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚
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發表於 2013-11-16 22:17  nswong 資料  個人空間  主頁 短消息  加為好友 
2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚

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http://www.hotspotimage.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=14939, (Hot Spot Image, 熱點影像)
http://taibif.org.tw/biomap/flora/stage2/177/177_3.jpg, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚, (taibif)

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{rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}

{Photo link, 照片链接, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}
http://www.google.com/search?q=rivina_humilis.htm, (nswong, rivina_humilis.htm)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wiki ... Rivina_humilis2.jpg, (KENPEI)
http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~lycoris/200511_img_6%5B1%5D.jpg, (lycoris)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wiki ... -Rivina_humilis.jpg, (Obsidian Soul)
http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6144/5946735705_8553592c03_b.jpg, (Shubhada Nikharge)
http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6025/5947315986_a7349f9728_b.jpg, (Shubhada Nikharge)
http://taibif.org.tw/biomap/flora/stage2/177/177_3.jpg, (taibif)
http://taibif.org.tw/biomap/flora/stage2/177/177_2.jpg, (taibif)

{Photo link, 照片链接, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}

{Scientific name, 學名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}
http://www.google.com/search?q=rivina_humilis.htm, (nswong, rivina_humilis.htm)

Rivina humilis: Rivina humilis(47,500)

{Scientific name, 學名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}

{English name, 英文名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}
http://www.google.com/search?q=rivina_humilis.htm, (nswong, rivina_humilis.htm)

Rivina humilis: Baby pepper(5,960)
Rivina humilis: Bloodberry(12,500)
Rivina humilis: Inkberry(4,960)
Rivina humilis: Rouge plant(5,240)
Rivina humilis: Blood berry(6,600)
Rivina humilis: Coral berry(7,240)

{English name, 英文名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}

{Chinese name, 中文名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}
http://www.google.com/search?q=rivina_humilis.htm, (nswong, rivina_humilis.htm)

Rivina humilis: 數珠珊瑚, Shu zhu shan hu(10,300)
Rivina humilis: 珍珠一串紅(8,500)

{Chinese name, 中文名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}

{Malay name, 馬來文名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}
http://www.google.com/search?q=rivina_humilis.htm, (nswong, rivina_humilis.htm)

Rivina humilis: Getih-getihan(259)

{Malay name, 馬來文名, rivina_humilis.htm, 2013-11-01, Rivina humilis, Bloodberry, 數珠珊瑚}

[ 本帖最後由 nswong 於 2013-11-16 22:21 編輯 ]


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