標題: 星果木 (Dillenia suffruticosa)
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發表於 2008-9-23 10:04  ezreen 資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
星果木 (Dillenia suffruticosa)

您是第 11033個瀏覽者

在新加坡叫它星果木。它屬第倫桃科。馬來語叫它simpoh air。
Dillenia suffruticosa


[ 本帖最後由 ezreen 於 2008-9-23 10:10 編輯 ]

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發表於 2008-9-23 10:10  ezreen 資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 

[ 本帖最後由 ezreen 於 2008-9-23 10:22 編輯 ]

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發表於 2008-9-24 19:24  jacky-hkm 資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 

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發表於 2008-9-25 08:58  ezreen 資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 

原帖由 jacky-hkm 於 2008-9-24 19:24 發表


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UID 1085
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發表於 2008-10-9 08:47  ezreen 資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Dillenia suffruticosa 牡丹五椏果 五椏果科 (2005-04-01)
資料來源~~ http://www.geocities.com/mhtangco/dillenia_suffruticosa.htm


Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 1085
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註冊 2008-1-8
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發表於 2008-10-9 08:48  ezreen 資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Simpoh Air
Dillenia/Wormia suffruticosa

Shrubby Simpoh

This distinctive shrubby tree grows vigorously on eroded soil, wasteland, forest edges and swampy areas.

Everything about it is large.

It has large leaves, and large yellow flowers. The flowers open at 3 am and last only a day. They are pollinated by bees which collect its pollen (the flowers don't produce nectar or a scent) or by small beetles and flies that scramble over it. Almost every flower sets fruit.

Mangrove and wetland wildlife at
Sungei Buloh Nature Park

Main features: Large shrub or small tree. Grows up to 5m.

Leaves: Large (35cm long) oval leaves that are cabbage-like with slightly toothed edges.

Flowers: Large yellow, five petals.

Fruits: Red, splits open into segments; seeds covered with red flesh.

Status in Singapore: Common, particularly on wasteland.
World distribution: Throughout West Malesia.

Classification: Family Dilleniaceae.
The unopened fruits are surrounded by thick red sepals. To distinguish them from flower buds, the fruits face upwards while flower buds face down. The ripe fruit splits open also at 3 am, into pinkish star-shaped segments to reveal seeds covered in red arils. The plant blooms from age 3-4 and can live for 50-100 years! Plants in the Simpoh family (Dilleniaceae) hiss when the trunk or a branch is cut (you have to put your ear to the cut to hear it). The sound comes from the air that is sucked into the cut vessels.

Uses: The large leaves of the Simpoh Air were used to wrap food such as tempeh (fermented soyabean cakes), or formed into shallow cones to contain traditional "fast food" such as rojak.

The Simpoh Air sends out very deep tap roots to reach underground water sources. So much so that their presence suggests an underground water source, and some people use the plant as a guide to decide where to dig a well. The timber is not useful because it is twisted and very hard.

Traditional medicinal uses: Simpoh Air is used to staunch bleeding wounds, and the fruit pulp may be used to wash the hair (Brunei).

Role in the habitat: The Simpoh Air provides food and shelter for other plants and creatures. It is among the few plants that can germinate and grow on white sands. As a pioneer species, it provides shade for other less hardy plants to establish themselves. The tiny bit red flesh (arils) surrounding the seeds are irresistible to birds, which quickly disperse the seeds. Tailorbirds often make their nests out of the large leaves of the Simpoh Air.

To buy these references & others, visit
Nature's Niche
  • Ivan Polunin, "Plants and Flowers of Singapore", Times Editions, 1987 (p. 99: description, habitat, distribution, photo).
  • Foo Tok Shiew, "A Guide to the Wildflowers of Singapore", Singapore Science Centre, 1985 (p. 24: description, habitat, photo).
  • E. J. H. Corner, "Wayside Trees of Malaya: Vol I", Malayan Nature Society, 4th ed., 1997 (p. 232-233: description, habit).

By Ria Tan, 2001

資料來源 ~~ http://www.naturia.per.sg/buloh/plants/simpoh_air.htm

Rank: 9

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註冊 2007-4-12
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發表於 2008-10-9 21:58  jacky-hkm 資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 

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回復 #1 ezreen 的帖子

Hi ezreen,

http://www.hotspotimage.com/bbs/ ... amp;page=1#pid38817
回復 #1 ezreen 的帖子

Dillenia suffruticosa: 黃花第倫桃, Huang hua di lun tao(My)

Dillenia spp: 五桠果屬, Wu ya guo shu
Dillenia spp: 五桠果科, Wu ya guo ke(4)
Dillenia spp: 第伦桃属, Di lun tao shu
Dillenia spp: 第伦桃科, Di lun tao ke(3)
Dillenia spp: 第倫桃科, Di lun tao ke(2)
Dillenia suffruticosa: 黃花第倫桃, Huang hua di lun tao(My)

Dillenia suffruticosa: Wormia suffruticosa
Dillenia suffruticosa: Dillenia suffruticosa(3)



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